C & D Decorators Limited is a private limited company which was incorporated in March 2008 We are based in Northampton Northamptonshire. It is run by 2 directors Craig Prickett & David Long. They each have 30+ and 40+ years respective experience working in the trade of Painting & Decorating. They are qualified to NVQ level and worked as sub- contractors prior to setting up the company.

We cover all aspects of interior & exterior painting & decorating. We mainly specialise on the new build construction site work.

We will undertake work up to a 60-mile radius of Northampton, Northamptonshire.

Both directors still work” on the brushes”. They feel this is vitally important to keep in touch with every aspect of the rules and regulation of the construction industry.

Meet The Team

CRAIG PRICKETTManaging Director
Craig is an experienced painter & decorator with 30 + years’ experience within the industry. He has worked on projects for large building firms over the years on sites that have won awards.
Craig is Northampton born. A family man who has undertaken various charity roles which include a bike ride from John O’Groats to Land’s End in aid of Down’s Syndrome Northampton.
DAVE LONGManaging Director
Dave is an experienced painter & decorator with 40+ years’ experience within the industry. He has worked for large builders over the years on sites that have won awards. The latest being Croudace Homes.co.uk based at Tetsworth. He is Northampton born. A family man who enjoys supporting his local football team.

Health & Safety Trained to SSSTS


  • We guarantee a high standard and reliable service.

  • We are a registered Limited Company N0: 6530325

  • We have tradesman Insurance

  • Public Liability Cover £5,000,000.00

  • Employers’ Liability £10,000,000.00

01604 643182


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